Sunday, April 21, 2013

The times they are a-changing...

"Julian honey, I think that maybe some of these things aren't as big of a deal as you feel they are." -My mother.

This is the restaurant where I work.  It is empty. Most of what I make in tips I spend on kale juice from a shop around the corner.

"Ode to Spring"

Oh god.

I just want to be
Like everyone else.

I just want to drink juice
Like everyone else.
I just want nice abs
Like everyone else.
I just want to go out on Friday
And dance,
And drink,
And fuck,
And brunch on Sunday,
And can I have
My omelet with just whites,
And do you have skim?
And there's too much juice 
In my mimosa,
And no toast with that please,  
I'm allergic to gluten
Like everyone else.
But I'll take the fries
Like everyone else.
And we'll split the check
Like everyone else.

I want a bike
Like everyone else.
I want a boyfriend
Like everyone else.

I want to take off my clothes
In the park
In the sun
In the city
In spring
And forget.
Like everyone else.

One day I'll be blind
Like everyone else.
My partner will die
Like everyone else.
I'll have produced
Fifty-eight tons of garbage
Like everyone else--
Two blue whales worth of garbage
Like everyone else.

I'll die too, I suppose.

Blue Ivy will be an adult by then.

And they'll take off their clothes
In the park
In the sun
In the city
In spring
And forget.


  1. i wouldnt consider myself a lover of poetry.. but im really into your style. its very accessible.
