Friday, May 10, 2013

Home is where the power outlet is.

"Here it is!" -My friend, about a bell she got me for my bike (before the entire city of New York started to hate me).

 This is not the natural habitat of an octopus.

Spiderman! (With his mother).

"the point i'm at"

Who sits
In those weird pedestrian medians
Where they put tables and chairs
Between busy two-way avenues
In New York City?

Tourists eating cupcakes.

Shoe-less old Asian women
Resting their feet 
Between shifts of collecting used plastic bottles.

An intern 
At a fashion magazine
Sipping something green 
And frozen
From a Starbucks bucket.

A tween with a skateboard.

An old man wearing a young man's hat.

A homeless-looking NYU student
Noodling Udon
(From home).

No couples:
But, an abandoned left boot.

There's not much
Overt community,
Especially when it's about to rain.

But I'm tired of sitting in coffee shops.

And I don't have anywhere to be for two hours.

And I already called my mother.

And I'm at least a little uneasy.

And I can't (for the life of me)
Think of a place in this city
To get a good
Reasonably priced

And if there is a god,
(why not she)
Must be busy elsewhere
For this place is neither
Nor paradise--
Even as it starts to drizzle.


5:30 dinner means 8:00 second dinner.  Holler!

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