Tuesday, August 13, 2013

No Match Found

"You're not that cool." - A drunk woman at a bar, to me, relatively unsolicited

 Are you alone at Chipotle, playing on your phone?

 Are you alone at Chipotle, playing on your phone?

 Are you alone at Chipotle, playing on your phone?

Are you a pigeon bathing yourself?

"Running Late to Therapy"

We used to say goodbye
At Broadway-Lafayette.

Will you ever think
That you made a mistake?

We completely lost our way.


"Why I Can't Buy Stocks"

I stood
At the corner of 67th and Broadway
For seventeen minutes
Trying to open
A case of headphones
That I bought
From the Apple Store.

In New York City
Who is seeing you
That you don't know is seeing you?


"While Sitting"

I have just been walking around all day. More or less hoping not to run into you. More or less not running into you. Buying books for people who aren't you and watching people who aren't you walk by and imagining what your hair must look like by now. I hear that you died it blonde.

(I saw on Facebook that you died it blonde).

I don't know what you're up to or where you're going to be living in September. (I know that you are moving soon, so some point in the next few weeks you'll be miserable).

I'm really trying here. I really walking around a lot and trying not to stare too hard at the young father with his child wrapped in cloth pressed against his chest. He's not me and he's not even you. Nobody that I've passed so far today had been you, or even close to you. Not the man who sold me my iced coffee or the woman who accidentally side-swiped me with her bag. None of these people sitting on these benches around me, playing on their iPhones are you. I'm not you, and for all I know, you aren't even you anymore.


The rain it raineth everyday.

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