Friday, June 21, 2013

Looking for the perfect space

"What the fuck was that, dude?" -A man in a parked red van--after I rode into the back of it because I wasn't paying attention and my breaks don't work.

 too late.

 backing away from the moon.






"You and Everyone Else"

My job
Makes me hate people
That I have no reason to hate.

I need a new job.


"Giving Up"

A constant dull pain.

Giving away
Stones of you
To people I don't know.

Until you're not real anymore.
Until all I have
Is the space
Where you once laid your head.


"Probably True"

If aliens visited this planet
(If they haven't already
Visited this planet)
They might say
"Who is this Christ person?
I want to meet it."


When I was 18 I broke my left hand when I fell running up the stairs. And today it started hurting again?

And if ONE more person references "the game" as if there is something wrong with somebody if they don't know what game they are referring to, I am not going to serve them their eggs!

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