Saturday, July 27, 2013

100 Days in a Row!

"I'm trying to figure out which way is left and which way is right." - My childhood mentor, about I'm not sure what.

 light behind a light

light behind clouds

lights behind a boy on a merry-go-round

"Memories, Dreams, Reflections"

A lot can change in 100 days.

You can buy a bike. 
You can join a gym.

You can find new music to listen to.

You can start a book
Then not finish a book
Then start a different one
Then give it away
Then start a third
And lose it on the train
So kind of give up on fiction.

You can be in love with someone
And try to make it work.
You can give up on someone
Or give up on giving up.

A lot can change in 100 days.

You can move
Or be moved.

You can have a herpes scare.

A lot can change in 100 days.

Your mood.
Your job.
Your underwear.

Your dreams.
Your memories.
You can start to go to therapy.

You can forget voices
And faces.
And give up on giving up.

A lot can change in 100 days.

You can smoke too much weed.

You can watch a bunch of your friends get engaged.


There is no such thing as a steady incline of progress!

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