Monday, July 22, 2013

Still Dreaming

"If you put that down and lose it, I swear to god I'm going to hurt you." - A mother on the street, to her toddler son, about a plastic bag full of leftovers from a restaurant

 Especially handy if you are on your period.

 There is even room for the disabled person in your family whose hand you won't hold!

"I wonder if I will ever make as much money as my male equivalents in the workplace..."

"like i would hold a flower"

turn left
at the merry-go-round--

i don't want to be in prison
for my beliefs,
but I have to.

my name depends on you--

when the vegetables are gone,
they are gone.

if I eat another carrot this week,
i'll scream.


Free Pussy Riot!

1 comment:

  1. The family bathroom got me. That got me good.
