Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today I Invented Shirtless Bike Riding.

"2010." - My co-worker at my internship, when asked by my boss when the earthquake in Haiti occured.

"12:09:12 PM"

"12:09:14 PM"

"12:09:18 PM"

"i'm still at the table"

Arms at my side
Ready to receive,
Even though you are not.

Even though you stole masturbating from me
(Don't worry, I don't want it back).

I'm still at the table.
Even though it's probably not such a good idea.

I brought my computer with me,
So I can get some work done in the meantime.
Even though you took your charger back
(Don't worry, I bought a new one--
I put it on my parents credit card).

Even though it's probably not such a good idea.

Neither was earnest Ernest Shackleton
Exploring the Antarctic.
(Even though the Endurance didn't endure).

Neither is staying out too long in the sun.

What good has ever come 
From a lack of exploration?

Who doesn't love a tan?

I'll sit at this table,
Even though there are no seats.
Don't worry.


I got hit by a church van on my bike cuz i wuz lookin 2 FiNe.  LOVE YOURSELF!

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